Monday, May 25, 2009

Welfare: helping the bishops (1 of 4)

Welfare: helping the bishops
By Michael De Groote
Mormon Times
Published: 2009-05-18 00:21:46

First in a four-part weekly series on church welfare.

The economic downturn weighed heavily on the minds of members of the General Welfare Committee of the LDS Church at a meeting about a year ago. Dennis R. Lifferth, managing director of Welfare Services for the church, remembered the meeting that included the First Presidency, Quorum of the Twelve, seven presidents of the Seventy, Presiding Bishopric and Relief Society general presidency.

The brethren were particularly concerned about the bishops of the church, said Lifferth in a recent interview. They discussed how bishops have the divine responsibility to care for the poor -- but because they are called and released every few years there is a large turnover. How could the church make sure the Mormon bishops knew the foundation principles of welfare so they could make good decisions?

The welfare department began working on "Providing in the Lord’s Way: A Leader's Guide to Welfare." According to Lifferth, the guide and its summary booklet were meant to summarize the basic principles of welfare in such a clear, straightforward way that there would be no misunderstanding. The hope was that the guide’s principles would be "a real blessing for these bishops as they face the increasing problems that we are facing in the world."

About six months later, work began on a presentation pamphlet and video titled "Basic Principles of Welfare and Self-reliance." The presentation featured several welfare topics using talks by Elder Robert D. Hales of the Quorum of the Twelve; Sister Julie B. Beck, Relief Society general president; Presiding Bishop H. David Burton; and President Thomas S. Monson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The English versions of the "Leader’s Guide" and the "Basic Principles" presentation were sent out worldwide on Feb. 22. "Basic Principles" was translated into 16 languages, while the "Leader’s Guide" was translated into 28 languages. More translations are planned.

"This is going to go around the world," Lifferth said.

The reach of the video presentation and booklet was about the same as a worldwide leadership training meeting -- except the welfare presentation was mailed instead of broadcast.

The "Leader’s Guide" summary booklet is available online. The "Basic Principles" DVD presentation and the "Leader’s Guide" summary booklet are also available at no cost from Church Distribution, but must be ordered by a Mormon stake, ward, mission or branch.

Lifferth said both the guide and the presentation focus on the most important welfare principle: "That is self-reliance and the principles that guide and help people to become self-reliant."

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