I Never Thought To Store That
Emergency Essentials - 3 days ago
Emergency light - The old standby light source is a supply of utility candles and waterproof matches. While any light-source will be welcome in a dark and uncertain night, there are some better alternatives to traditional lighting. You may want to consider having some longer-life candles, usually known as 100-Hour Candles, which burn much longer than traditional wick candles. These small containers of liquid paraffin ,a refined lamp oil (kerosene), are a great option for use in the home. Hurricane lamps (or kerosene lamps) are also useful, although the smell may bother some people, especially those with asthma. The illumination power of a kerosene lamp will be enhanced if you place a mirror behind the lamp. Store your extra kerosene or lamp oil in a safe place away from heat sources, children, and pets. Don't forget to store extra wicks! You may also want to consider propane lanterns or hand-cranked lanterns and flashlights. For the hand-cranked options, simply crank the handle and depending on the model it will yield light for various times with no flame, odor or noise. For short-term use, there are devices that stay plugged into your power source, but only activate and give light when the power goes off. Purchasing any type of light that uses LED (Light-Emitting-Diodes) is wise because they require less energy, the bulbs (diodes) last longer than traditional flashlight bulbs, they are lightweight, versatile and most important have no filament to break. You simply do not have to replace a bulb, ever! A cheap and easy-to-use light source is the colorful light stick which is similar to what children often get at carnivals or parties. All you need to do to activate them is to snap a portion of the stick, which allows the chemicals to combine and produce light. In a home, if an earthquake occurred, these light sticks would be safe to use where anything requiring a flame or spark could be disastrous due to broken gas lines. They also can substitute in a pinch for emergency road flares. (See beprepared.com as a source for light sticks and several excellent flashlight options.)
© Emergency Essentials for LDS Living 2011.
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